


 Five years on the road we

China is the world's first production of one of the countries ** goods , China ** industrial development is a passion of history, China 's growth path ** Press is a record , passing the new China trade grew larger ** from weak to strong excel through the road !
As a ** people, we witnessed the ** industry as the Republic of basic industries , from clothing world powers to gradually ** historical journey , we have witnessed the growth of new China ** industry made ​​great contributions.
China first ** publication, the first Chinese translation of writings ** , ** China's first domestic books, China's first textbook ** Apparel higher , with the first issue of the amount of fashion magazines , the first batch of national and ministerial -level Book Award , the world's first silk scroll, China ** publisher , with diligence and wisdom to achieve a breakthrough in one after another , creating an another achievement. In this first of many , China ** Press also achieved a 50-year span !
This road , there are always some people can not forget the name , become an industry collective memory .
50 years ago, ** Ministry of Industry Planning Division has compiled a small office , this is the place to start budding publishers , where ** Ministry of Industry founded the first publication " China ** " , Premier Zhou Enlai personally wrote the title for this publication .
Perhaps they never imagined that a just a few people at a small compilation in the future will develop into a country with hundreds of people a publishing house . Nor do they ever thought of publishing the resulting business development throughout the country , to the world , China has always been to promote the development of the industry ** !
This road , there are always some unforgettable moments , dedicated to faith passed .
April 1953 , which is the Chinese ** an important moment in history , ** Industry Press formally established . Shortly after the founding of New China because at that time , China began a large-scale economic construction , just four years , more than 200 million ** industrial cotton spindles built a new plant , close to the original construction of the national capital more than 70 years combined.
Built at the beginning of ** Industry Press only 15 people, and they quickly integrated into the burning passion that era , there is no system in the country ** theoretical research and book cases, fully translated and published a large number of works of Soviet industry ** .
In 1958, the publishing house to translate the book mainly from the developed to the domestic works mainly, but also offer a " China ** " " ** Bulletin " and " ** workers " three publications , which became three publications era badge, deeply embedded in the ** human emotion and memory.
This is a road of healthy development , there had been countless memories vibrant history flashback .
Once, ** industry has also experienced a phoenix from the ashes , gradually from a traditional planned economy into a market economy, state-owned industries under the private economy as the main industry , changes in the industry allows us to see market forces , will also be publishing early to market.
Publishing recovery system decades, people with intense feelings Press ** to adapt industrial production, scientific research , teaching and other fronts needs of the 585 kinds of books , reprints 290 kinds , including access to all kinds of outstanding awards 38 kinds of books .





  (4)“开拓进取谋发展 自主创新立品牌”。 创新是企业赖以生存的根本,创新是品牌累积的保证!新昌景纺织品有限公司认识到企业惟有创新才能从根本上建立自己的话语权,惟有强者才能与狼共舞,打败弱者,赖以生存!公司以总经理卢惠森为核心,以各阶层管理为技术支点,围绕时尚纺织为概念,把人才创新、管理创新、营销创新、产品创新“四大创新”作为创新的主要对象,努力追求现代化纺织品生产模式,以实现企业发展的飞跃。

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