画面:清宫镜头滚动字幕:清顺治年间,江淮董鄂妃奉诏入宫,因水土不服,思念故乡彻夜难眠……为讨美人欢心,宫中觅得江南金华府大潮村“吴裁缝”缝制之锦绣罗衾,果然博得美人凤颜大悦男太监,万岁有旨 赏大潮村吴裁缝黄金万两良地千倾画面:员工步入工厂、老板在思考、流水线在运转……上海千羽被服有限公司是吴家后人吴章潭所创办的一家集专业设计、生产、销售被服、床单、枕套、被套等床上用品的现代化家纺企业。在市场竞争异常激烈的国内家纺行业,“千羽”被服正以其过硬的产品质量、典雅时尚的设计风格、平民化的价格优势俨然成了业内的一匹“黑马”。
画面:老板在思考、产品展示、团队讨论、电脑绣花、设计人员在设计、与客户沟通、大量样品展示……经过十余年的发展,“千羽”便以其低调的华丽,实现了优雅的转身。如今,在东阳的公司生产基地,占地 30000 多平方米,建筑面积16000 平方米的现代化标准厂房已经矗立在大潮工业园区。车间里的生产线使用的都是采用韩国、日本工艺技术的国内一流家纺设备。其旗下“千羽”牌豪华套件、婚庆系列、巴黎情系列、单件组合系列、儿童系列、夏令用品系列、床垫系列、被子系列、枕芯系列、床盖系列等300多个品种的床饰用品先后获得“地方名牌产品”、“中国著名品牌”、“中国驰名商标”等殊荣。
画面:狮子、大门、客户参观样品、与客户签约……吴章潭和他的团队在学习、了解了国内外日用品企业先进的销售模式后,果断的引进联锁加盟的模式,在全国大中城市设立专卖店、进入省会城市二级商场设立专柜,这一招果然让公司的生产、销售形成了良性循环。 现在,公司在全国 29 个省、市、自治区设立了20多家省级总代理、 200 多家专卖店及商场专柜,公司还在沈阳、北京、杭州等一线城市设立了办事处。通过自营进出口业务,公司产品也飘洋过海,远销到法国、西班牙、埃及、韩国、越南等国家和台湾、香港地区。(插入3D销售网络图)
Five years on the road we
China is the world's first production of one of the countries ** goods , China ** industrial development is a passion of history, China 's growth path ** Press is a record , passing the new China trade grew larger ** from weak to strong excel through the road !
As a ** people, we witnessed the ** industry as the Republic of basic industries , from clothing world powers to gradually ** historical journey , we have witnessed the growth of new China ** industry made great contributions.
China first ** publication, the first Chinese translation of writings ** , ** China's first domestic books, China's first textbook ** Apparel higher , with the first issue of the amount of fashion magazines , the first batch of national and ministerial -level Book Award , the world's first silk scroll, China ** publisher , with diligence and wisdom to achieve a breakthrough in one after another , creating an another achievement. In this first of many , China ** Press also achieved a 50-year span !
This road , there are always some people can not forget the name , become an industry collective memory .
50 years ago, ** Ministry of Industry Planning Division has compiled a small office , this is the place to start budding publishers , where ** Ministry of Industry founded the first publication " China ** " , Premier Zhou Enlai personally wrote the title for this publication .
Perhaps they never imagined that a just a few people at a small compilation in the future will develop into a country with hundreds of people a publishing house . Nor do they ever thought of publishing the resulting business development throughout the country , to the world , China has always been to promote the development of the industry ** !
This road , there are always some unforgettable moments , dedicated to faith passed .
April 1953 , which is the Chinese ** an important moment in history , ** Industry Press formally established . Shortly after the founding of New China because at that time , China began a large-scale economic construction , just four years , more than 200 million ** industrial cotton spindles built a new plant , close to the original construction of the national capital more than 70 years combined.
Built at the beginning of ** Industry Press only 15 people, and they quickly integrated into the burning passion that era , there is no system in the country ** theoretical research and book cases, fully translated and published a large number of works of Soviet industry ** .
In 1958, the publishing house to translate the book mainly from the developed to the domestic works mainly, but also offer a " China ** " " ** Bulletin " and " ** workers " three publications , which became three publications era badge, deeply embedded in the ** human emotion and memory.
This is a road of healthy development , there had been countless memories vibrant history flashback .
Once, ** industry has also experienced a phoenix from the ashes , gradually from a traditional planned economy into a market economy, state-owned industries under the private economy as the main industry , changes in the industry allows us to see market forces , will also be publishing early to market.
Publishing recovery system decades, people with intense feelings Press ** to adapt industrial production, scientific research , teaching and other fronts needs of the 585 kinds of books , reprints 290 kinds , including access to all kinds of outstanding awards 38 kinds of books .