作者:深度配音 · 2020-09-07 17:04:04
配对 Pairing
1. 打开GoFinder app,点击“+”图标添加一个新的智能搜索设备。
2. 第一次激活需要按住智能寻找器上的按钮3秒钟。智能寻找器启动时会发出两次哔哔声。
4. 您可以命名您的智能寻找器并添加图片点击它,然后点击 “ ” 保存。 Before pairing, please turn on the BT of your smart
1. Open the GoFinder app, click “+” icon to add a
new smart finder device.
2. Press and hold the button on smart finder for 3
seconds to activate it at the first time. Smart finder
will beep twice when activated.
3. Select “HB02” from the list, it will connect to your
smart phone automatically.
4. You can name your smart finder and add a picture
for it by clicking , then click" "to save.
寻找器响铃 Ring smart finder
点击app中的铃声图标,依附在您的贵重物品,如钥匙,钱包,钱包,行李,相机,自行车,平板电脑,背包等贵重物品上的智能寻找器就会响起铃声。 Click the bell icon in the app to ring smart finder
which can be attached to your valuable items like
keys, wallets, purses, luggage, cameras, bikes,
tablets, backpacks, etc.
手机响铃 Ring your phone
双击“智能寻找器”上的按钮,即可响起您的电话铃声。这可以帮助你在几秒钟内找到你的手机,即使是在静音模式下。 Double-click the button on smart finder to ring your
phone. This can help you find your phone in seconds,
even if it’s on silent mode.
自拍 Selfie
按下图片按钮可切换到您的手机相机模式,按下智能寻找器上的按钮可自拍。 Press to change to the camera mode of your
phone, press the button on smart finder to take selfie.
丢失的位置 Lost location
有了它,最后一个丢失的位置将被自动保存,按下APP中 按钮可以看到最后的位置。 In order to use this feature, you have to activate
the GPS on your smartphone.
If you lose your smart finder or the object equipped
with it, the last lost location will be saved
automatically. You can see this location by pressing
within the app.
设置 Setting
在为智能寻找器配置重要设置时,按下App中 按钮 。 In configure important settings for your smart finder,
press within the app.
断开连接通知 Disconnecting Notification
关闭以禁用防丢失报警功能。 Toggle on the “Disconnecting Notification”, both
your phone and smart finder will alarm when it is
out of the BT range. This is to remind youdon’t leave
your things behind.
Toggle off to disable the anti-lost alarm function.
Wifi安全区 WiFi Safe Zone
注:这个功能仅在断开连接通知提醒功能开启时工作 WiFi Safe Zone will automatically disable separation
alerts when you are connected to a specific WiFi
Network, like your home or office WiFi.
To enable this function, toggle on the “WiFi Safe
Zone”, add the WiFi network you would like to have
as your safe zone to the list.
This function only works when the Disconnecting
Notification feature is toggled on.
电池更换 Battery replacement
3,关闭外壳 1. Open the outer shell with the opening tool provided.
2. Replace CR2032 battery. Please mind the
polarity of battery.
3. Close the outer shell.
规格 Specification:
兼容的手机型号 Compatible Smartphones
注意: NOTE:
如果你的智能手机不在此列表中但还是用安卓和蓝牙4.4版本,那么很有可能智能寻找器也能正常工作,但是我们无法在排除故障的场景当中提供相同级别的支持 If your smartphone is not on this list but also uses
Android 4.4 and BT 4.0, there is a good
chance the smart finder will work fine, but we are
not able to offer the same level of support in
troubleshooting scenarios.
关于蓝牙低能耗 About BT Low Energy
而蓝牙技术是一种无线技术,在蓝牙,Wi-Fi和GPS技术之间有着显著的差异。智能寻找器蓝牙范围在开放空间中高达50米。蓝牙最有效的范围是在10米内,视环境而定。 This smart finder uses BT Low Energy (BLE) technology
to help you locate your items. While BT technology is a
wireless technology,there are significant differences
between BT,Wi-Fi, and GPS technology. The BT range
of smart finder is up to 50m in open space. BT is most
effective at the 10m range,depending on the environment.