Forming one of Cambodia’s main drivers of economic advancement is the vibrant construction sector. Reliable and safe infrastructure development is vital to ensure Cambodia’s prosperity and quality of life.
生机勃勃的建筑业是推动柬埔寨经济发展的主要动力之一。 发展安全可靠的基础设施对于繁荣柬埔寨经济和提高生活质量息息相关。
To safeguard the structural integrity and safety of our buildings and infrastructure, the construction sector must meet safe construction standards consistently.
The Board of Engineers Cambodia Laboratory, guided by the Board of Engineers Cambodia was established under the direction of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, via the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training.
The Board of Engineers Cambodia Laboratory also known as BECL is a co-operation between the Board of Engineers Cambodia and CAST Laboratories Group.
柬埔寨工程师委员会实验室也称为 BECL,是柬埔寨工程师委员会与 CAST 实验室集团的合作项目。
CAST Laboratories is founded in Singapore and is South-East Asia’s highly trusted and globally accredited testing and inspection group committed to integrity, reliability, and unity.
With CAST Laboratories leading BECL together with the guidance of the Board of Engineers Cambodia, BECL is determined to be Cambodia’s leading testing, inspection, certification and evaluation service provider.
The Board of Engineers Cambodia Laboratory, committed to Cambodia’s sustainable development.