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WOW哇!Look at all these amazing pictures, videos, and connections people make while traveling!!看看这些令人惊叹的图片、视频、和链接!!它们是旅行者发布的。Travelers generate millions of Terabytes of the most amazing digital content on the internet; they spend a lot of time and effort posting reviews and recommendations of hotels, restaurants, and businesses.旅行者在互联网上发布了数百万TB的数据信息;他们花了大量时间和精力对酒店、餐馆和企业发表评论和建议。Nowadays People post reviews, in good faith, to share their discoveries with their friends, family and their network, however “The Like” Industryas we called ithad become a $100 billion-dollar industry per year!!! Those little reviews mean BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to the BUSINESSES AND REVIEW SITES.如今,人们真诚地发表评论,与朋友、家人和网友分享他们的发现。而我们口中的“点赞”行业,年产值已经超过了1000亿美元!!!这些短小的评论对企业和网站来说,意味着数十亿美元。Travelers work HARD ALL YEAR LONG spend their savings ON TRAVEL AND ENTERTAINMENT, they pay, eat, they barely sleep, carry a bunch of clothes around, they walk, run, hustle, check-in and check-out to ALL TO find the BEST DESTINATIONS旅行者一年到头努力工作,把积蓄花在旅行和娱乐上,他们消费、就餐、几乎不睡觉、随身携带一堆衣服、远足、长跑、挤进挤出、出入旅馆,以找到最佳的目的地。BUT WAIT!-l但是请等一下!Who EVER AGREED TO ALLOW OTHER BUSINESS TO TAKE AWAY THE OWNERSHIP of everything A TRAVELER OR CUSTOMER shareS? , and who gave permission TO THOSE BUSINESS to profit ON the things THAT THE TRAVELER share? Well…..UNFORTUNATELY,……. by clicking Accept ON the terms and Conditions button, a contract of 30 small letters pages THAT NOBODY READS, THE user giveS away and looseS ownership TO everything THEY post. YES ABSOLUTELY EVERUTHING.谁同意让其他企业占有旅行者分享的所有东西?谁允许这些企业从旅行者分享的东西中获利?好的……不幸的是……这是一份30页的合同,没有人读它,用户只是点击“条款和条件”中的“接受”按钮,就放弃了对他们发布的所有内容的所有权。是的,所有的一切。Is it fair how the data of Travelers are treated nowadays?We don’t think so!!如此对待用户的数据公平吗?我们不这么认为!!We don’t believe is a honorable way to do business, to take away ownership from the hard-earned data travelers generate and give absolutely nothing in exchange, is just unacceptable for us.我们不认为,无偿占有旅行者辛苦收集和发布的数据是一种光彩的经营手段。这种手段是我们无法接受的。Travelit Network through Blockchain Technology aims to give ownership and control OF AN ISSUERS data as (intellectual property) BACK to the issuer. Meaning the data will remain property of the issueR and if there any monetary benefit WILL BE for the TRAVELIT Network and the issuer only.Travelit网致力于通过区块链技术将数据的所有权和控制权(知识产权)交还给发布人。这意味着数据一直是发布人的财产。如果这些数据产生了任何经济利益,将只属于Travelit网和发布人。SO… IN CONCLUSION Travelit can be a new WAY TO TRAVELsmartly inside a Network that tailor adventures, activities, explorations, encounters with like-minded individuals while travelling, AS WELL AS KEEPING ALL OF THE TRAVELERS data storeD AND labeled with full accountability, chronology, privacy and control TO THE ISSUER.所以……总之,Travelit网可以成为一种新的旅行方式,旅行者可以在Travelit网中自由地定制冒险、活动、探险、或与志同道合的人结伴旅行。此外,旅行者保有自己的所有数据,作为发布人拥有所有责任、日志、隐私和控制权。Travelit will give ALLOW to the Traveler to monetize their content BY rewardING the Travelers AND THE TRAVELIT NETWORK community only.TRAVELIT网唯一允许的用数据获利的方式,是旅行者在TRAVELIT网社区中奖励其他旅行者或TRAVELIT网。(somewhere please add, don’t forget to visit us at > t r a v e l i t dot i o Travelit.io(注于某处,请不要忘了访问TRAVELIT.IO)Thanks for WATCHING AND have an awesome day.感谢收看,祝您度过美好的一天。
如果骄傲没被现实大海冷冷拍下Unless pride has been torn up by the reality callously又怎会懂得要多努力 才走得到远方How wouldweknow thatwecouldwalk afarwithsomany efforts如果梦想不曾坠落悬崖 千钧一发Unless the dream has been broken despairingly又怎会晓得执着的人 拥有隐形翅牓How wouldweknow that people with perseverance have invisible wings?把眼泪装在心上 会开出勇敢的花Save the tear in heartit will grow into flowerstout可以在疲惫的时光 闭上眼睛闻到一种芬芳It will letmesmell the fragrance when Iamtired out就像好好睡了一夜直到天亮Just as if I have had a good sleep till dawn breaks又能边走着边哼着歌 用轻快的步伐Then I couldsing to myself walkingin a light pace沮丧时总会明显感到孤独的重量I can often feel the loneliness in dismay多渴望懂得的人给些温暖借个肩膀How much I am eager that someone understandable warms me up withhisshoulder reliable很高兴一路上 我们的默契那么长I feel gleeful for our mutual understanding all the way穿过风 又绕个弯 心还连着 像往常一样Going through wind and turning around, our hearts are still tightly linkedas always最初的梦想 紧握在手上Holding the original dream fast最想要去的地方 怎么能在半路就返航How could we give up halfway to the place where we wanna go best?最初的梦想 绝对会到达Achieving the original dreamabsolutely实现了真的渴望 才能够算到过了天堂Only byrealizingour aspiration can we land on the Heaven truly
关于AI能否取代人工、哪些工作会被取代、什么时间能取代真人的等话题一直在业界不断争论。翻译这项工作,就是很多人看来可被人工智能替代的。 因为我们已经得到了海量级别的翻译数据、非常好的翻译算法,并且能使用神经网络训练。全球包括中国,已经推出过很多翻译产品,在无数场合也可以看见人工智能翻译的翻译成功,一种要立刻盖过人类翻译的危机感。 然而实际情况却并不是这样。之前数家媒体曾报道过的诸如“搜狗同传把外国专家的演讲稿,翻译的物是人非”、“Tencent人工智能同传在博鳌亚洲论坛重大失误”成为笑话。 那AI人工智能翻译和真人翻译应该是怎样的关系呢?会不会一个取代另一个呢? 回答这个问题有需要回到翻译的标准,翻译的本质是什么了。我国清末新兴启蒙思想家严复提出的,他在《天演论》中的“译例言”讲到:“译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,则达尚焉。坦率的讲,机器目前还只能达到信,追求达,难以触及雅的阶段。真人翻译已经能完全达到所有要求,只不过效率上还无法大幅提高。还有一点也需注意,即语言是在不断发展,AI翻译需要在人类的帮助下不断完善。 所以,有了翻译器还需要人工翻译,是肯定。希望人类在工具的辅助下,更完美的接近翻译的“信达雅”。