"The bomb tower is great at dealing damage in a large area. The bombs fly slow, so it's best for levels where balls are grouping up.
Its <b>dark power</b> is a 10% chance to explode outwards, damaging all balls in range. Every dark power upgrade increases the damage multiplier of this attack by .04, up to x5." "バクダンタワーは広範囲に大きなダメージを与えるのが得意です。しかし射速が遅いのでボールが群れて来るステージで使うのがおすすめです。
Damage: ダメージ:
"The electric tower shoots orbs that will arc from ball to ball, losing a percent of its damage every bounce.
Its <b>dark power</b> is a 10% chance to shoot an orb up to 5 targets. Every dark power upgrade reduces the cooldown of this by 1 second, with a minimum of a 1 second cooldown." "エレキタワーが撃つオーブは二つのボールの間で電弧を作れます。与えるダメージは電気が跳ね返る度に弱くなります。
Fire Rate: 射速:
"The gun tower is great at targeting single or multiple balls. Its bullets shoot fast but will damage the first ball it hits.
Its <b>dark power</b> is a 10% chance to increase the damage of the next shot. Every dark power upgrade increases the damage multiplier of this attack by .04, up to x5." "ガンタワーはターゲット単体もしくは全体を同時にロックできます。射速こそ早いですが最初にヒットしたボールにしかダメージを与えません。
"The magnet tower is a utility tower that attracts balls to it. It's useful for keeping balls clumped together.
Its <b>dark power</b> is a 10% chance to damage the balls for 10% of its remaining health. Every dark power upgrade reduces the cooldown of this by 1 second, with a minimum of a 1 second cooldown." "マグネットタワーの引力はボールをタワーの近くまで集中することができます。ボールの群れを小範囲にまとめたいならマグネットタワーはとても便利です。
per second 秒ごとに
"The acid tower shoots orbs that will expand into a pool of acid on impact, damaging all balls in the impact area.
Its <b>dark power</b> is a 10% chance to afflict the balls with an acid status that causes the ball to take more damage from all towers. Each upgrade increases the extra damage taken by .04, up to x5. This effect lasts until the afflicted ball is destroyed." "アシッドタワーはヒットする時に酸に満ちたプールを展開するオーブを撃ち出します。プールは強酸で範囲内のすべてのボールを溶解できます。
"The saw tower has spinning blades that damage all balls in range.
Its <b>dark power</b> is a 10% chance to split a ball in two. Every dark power upgrade reduces the cooldown of this by 1 second, with a minimum of a 1 second cooldown. If the split ball was a gem, then the two new balls will be gem balls. If the split ball had acid damage, the two new balls will not be acid damaged." "マルノコタワーは回るノコギリで範囲内すべてのボールを切り刻みます。
"The shrink ray shoots a beam that will damage a single target. Once the shrink ray has locked on to a ball, it will contiune to damage it, regardless of the ball's range.
Its <b>dark power</b> is a 10% chance to double the damage of the shrink ray up to the maxmium damage. Every dark power upgrade increases the maxmium damage by .09, up to x10 damage. The multipler is reset once the ball is destroyed." "シュリンク・レイはビームで単体にダメージを与えることができます。シュリンク・レイに一度ロックされたボールは攻撃範囲に関係なく、継続にダメージを受け続けます。
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The bomb tower is great at dealing damage in a large area. The bombs fly slow, s
The bomb tower is great at dealing damage in a large area. The bombs fly slow, s
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